Why You Need to Embrace Your Ambition

Ambition is not a dirty word. It seems one popular female author and speaker after another is commenting on the type of women we should all aim to be. This morning I saw yet another repost of a quote on the dangers and pitfalls of ambition in women. I was angry to the point of…

Behind the Scenes With Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis is on a mission to empower women worldwide. Get a behind-the-scenes peak at what drives her passion, and be to sure read her story in our summer issue, on newsstands now: Inspired by the incredibly strong women who over the decades have fought for more opportunities and respect, and the ones who continue…

Rachel Hollis’ Advice for a Life Well Lived

What does it mean to live well? For some, this might be physical health; for others, strong relationships or a storied career. For Rachel Hollis, author of the breakout 2018 book Girl, Wash Your Face, a life well lived is about bringing all of those different components together in harmony. In her recently released follow-up…

The Future Is Yours to Decide and Create

Welcome to The Empowered Issue of SUCCESS, inspired by the incredibly strong women who over the decades have fought for more opportunities and respect, and the ones who continue that fight today. We are inspired by the work these women have put in to develop the extra talent, skill and patience they have historically been required…