Why Leaders Must Give More Than They Take

I’ll admit it: when I started my personal growth journey almost five decades ago, my motivations were selfish. I wanted to grow so I could be successful. Maybe that’s why you’re reading this magazine right now. There are goals you want to accomplish and milestones you want to achieve, but you know you need to…

5 Ways to Be an Inclusive Leader

I would never say that my elementary school bullies made me who I am today. Yet those early experiences shaped my career and my leadership style in ways that I’m still discovering. I went to a very small elementary school—think 40 students total—and always tried to help the new girls who came from other countries…

5 Traits of a Lousy Leader

You have three main assets that helped you become a leader: your record, your in-depth industry knowledge and your years of experience with your clientele. That’s the good news. The bad news? None of these three traits will help you answer the question of how to be a great leader. And that is really, really…

4 Startup Myths Holding You Back From Growth

@nina_p_v via Twenty20 While women-owned small businesses are still a minority, the numbers are set to rise with more and more women starting up on their own. Related: How Women Are Rising in Business Why do so many women start their own businesses? For many of us, the reason is work-life balance. We believe that…