10 Tips to Succeed in the Business of Life

1. Get predictable. Doubt over predictable income scares too many people from joining the YouEconomy. This weekend, take time to sketch a plan to keep checks rolling in from the same clients at regular intervals. 2. Follow your mind. Exercise your curiosity muscles. During a break in work, allow yourself to go down a Wikipedia…

Step Into Your Best Future With the Power of Choice

File this one under the category of Really Weird and Gross Science: According to research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B this summer, a mind-controlling parasite found in cat feces may give people the courage they need to become entrepreneurs. And here I thought it was motivation and inspiration from quarterly…

8 Philosophies Dr. Oz Lives By

Mehmet Oz, M.D., has spent the past decade teaching millions of Americans why they should value their health. Every weekday, he explores a different health-related topic on The Dr. Oz Show that can help people improve their lives in some way—be it a strategy for losing weight, a new super food they should add to…

You Are Bigger Than Any Challenge

If there is one thing I would love for you to walk away with after reading this article, it is the understanding that you have the power to experience any challenge in your life as a positive and an opportunity for growth. Notice I didn’t say some challenges. I said any challenge. And the way…