How R. Riveter Survived the Shark Tank

Investor: Mark CubanShark Tank Appearance: Feb. 5, 2016Deal: $100,000 for a 20 percent stakeResults: Sales increased from $300,000 to $2.4 million. While studying for her MBA at Brandman University in Southern California, Lisa Bradley wrote a paper about FedEx’s hub-and-spoke system. Through a “kind of carpooling for packages,” as the company likes to say, parcels…

How to Climb Out of a Creative Rut

Creative block can be causing a hitch in your step or have you at a dead stop. You might be limping along on one particular project or feeling lead-footed in general. However it hits, it can be frustrating Sometimes what your brain needs most when it’s in the creative doldrums is a change of scenery.…