How to Find Meaning in Your Job

Unsurprisingly, people with a calling orientation not only find their work more rewarding, but work harder and longer because of it. And as a result, these are the people who are generally more likely to get ahead. But those who don’t have a calling mindset needn’t despair. Related: You Don’t Have to Love What You Do……

Thinking About Starting a Side Hustle?

In 2009, Kimberly Palmer felt anxious about money. She worked a full-time job as a writer, but she’d just had a baby and worried what would happen if she lost her main stream of income. To ensure she’d have enough money for her daughter, Palmer decided to find a side hustle. Related: Working a Side Gig?…

What to Do If You Hate Your Job

Thrailkill is a family law attorney in private practice in Dallas. She loves helping people and being her own boss. She relishes not having to deal with office politics or play nice with people she doesn’t like. She’s happy outside of a corporate environment, not “dealing with gossip, faking friendships, the typical B.S.,” she says.…

How to Change Your Beliefs About Money

I want to make a lot of money. Saying this feels more like a confession than a proud declaration. The admission that I love money and want more of it almost feels shameful. But I’m going to say it anyway, because I think it’s time we reclaim ownership of our earning. Related: 4 Actionable Steps to…

How to Get Out of a Funk

Whether it’s career burnout, general aimlessness or a craving for a new path, most people will hear a call for a positive life change at some point in their lives. This isn’t about the National Institutes of Health report that 16 million U.S. adults suffer from at least one major depressive episode each year, but…

How to Deal With the Unexpected

In life, the winds of circumstances blow on us all in an unending flow that touches each of our lives. It’s one thing to create change. It’s another thing—often unavoidable—to have change foisted upon you when you don’t expect it. We all experienced the blowing winds of change. Yet some of us still manage to…